Most countries accept a general certificate of origin containing information about the exporter and importer, the description and harmonized code of goods, and the country of origin. These certificates are usually issued by the exporter and certified by the local Chamber of Commerce. It is the Colombian importer`s responsibility to apply for preferential duty negotiated by the ESTV for qualified products. However, the Colombian importer, customs broker or customs service may ask the exporter or producer to provide a written or electronic certificate or other information in support of the importer`s debt. Although there is no required form for the certificate of origin, it is a form often used by many exporters and importers. Trade agreements or FREI declarations should only be issued if your property is qualified for the ESTV. Not all free trade agreements require specific forms. There is a special NAFTA certificate (CBP 434) for qualifying shipments to Canada and Mexico. Many other FTA partners may accept declarative statements containing certain pieces of data, including information on how the product is qualified for free trade technology. However, importers may continue to ask exporters to use a particular format. If the form/format is optional, the information is necessary to allow the importer to benefit from preferential tariff treatment. Always contact your buyer and forward/transiter about the required documentation.

Detailed FTA certification requirements for preferential tariff treatment under the free trade agreement are generally included in their “Rules of Origin” (ROO) chapter. There are three ways to find the specific roo chapter for a specific FTA partner, read the “Where to Find Your Rules of Origin” section in the article “FTA Rules of Origin.” There are two types of certificates of origin that you must create: a generic certificate of origin or a certificate of origin from the free trade agreement. A certificate of origin is a document attesting to the country in which the goods were produced. The customs authority of the country in which the goods are imported may require a certificate of origin. It is also commonly used to determine the amount of duties paid by the importer to bring the goods. A. A written statement of origin from the manufacturer or importer is heavily dependent on the assistance and cooperation of its U.S. suppliers in the development of accurate and well-documented original statements. The exercise of the free trade preference allows qualified U.S. products to be more competitive through reduced or exempt tariffs (tariffs), although local taxes remain in effect.

FTA/Certifications certificates are optional and not necessary for customs clearance shipments. However, goods shipped without shipment can be considered a standard fare, so be sure to include an FTA certificate of origin. For shipments under $2,500, the exporter must indicate on an invoice that a product is of U.S. origin and is eligible for a free trade agreement (for example. (B) NAFTA). Case 7: For each item described in box 5, indicate the applicable criterion (A to F). The rules of origin are in Chapter 4 and Schedule 401. Other provisions are described in Appendix 703.2 (certain agricultural products), Appendix 300-B, Appendix 6A (some textile products) and Schedule 308.1 (some automatic processing products and their parts). Note: To qualify for preferential tariff treatment, each type of product must meet at least one of the following criteria. Any party to the export operation can apply for a certificate/declaration of FREI.

For example, an exporter (if the exporter is not the producer) may apply for a certificate from a U.S. producer by a trader, importer or customs authority.