This website provides links to a variety of important documents, agreements and conditions of protection, as well as a link to a database of thousands of arbitration awards representing the various trades of SMART`s transport division. The data collection phase of the current research also includes different types of agreements and levels of approval by researchers. When using an external organization to collect or survey information, it is necessary to define and define to whom the search data belongs or is managed and how research participants are informed of the use of the data. This should be done at the latest in the development of the data collection agreement. For more information on the Intellectual Property Transfer Agreement and other aforementioned agreements on the rights to use and ownership of research data, visit the University of Turku intranet and, if you have any questions, you can contact the legal department at the Click below to see important documents such as the UTU Constitution, wage rates, the Railway Works Act and national railway agreements in .pdf format. You can also browse the national rail agreements by text by clicking on the search link. One of the most important federal laws that gives our union the structure to work with is the Railway Works Act. A few quick points to consider when reading these agreements are: The General Committee on Adjustments (GCA) negotiates agreements for all indigenous peoples under the jurisdiction of the GCA.

Our GCA is SMART-TD GCA 225. This committee is responsible for negotiating agreements for all former CNW residents. These include the terminals of Adams Wisconsin, Clinton Iowa, Butler Wisconsin, Chicago, IL, Etc. THESE GUIDELINES SIND IN ACCORDANCE WITH UTU AGREEMENTS 2001-03-01 UTU GCA CTC course (transfer of cro-yard) .pdf 3. If you are called back by CMS to work on your Home Point, you have 30 days to introduce yourself or you lose your seniority and job. You can introduce yourself as soon as you like. Only if you exhaust all your seniority in the whole Mbe FIRST before furloughed. EXEMPLE: A Denver employee who can work in Grand Junction, but not in Denver, and opts for a Furlough in Denver…. if recalled to Denver, 48 hours, if recalled to a place other than Denver, has 5 days.

(a) within five days of the date the workers have indicated that he is being cut off from the additional room, he must make a written or telephone request to CMS to remain at home instead of seniority elsewhere in Area 200. If the benefits of lone workers are not required elsewhere, his request to remain in the place of residence is accepted and he is informed.