You can say “agree with someone,” but it is more formal and much less widespread than “agree”: this choice of the correct shape of a word that corresponds to something — in this case sex — is sometimes called concordance. Here, the adjective is consistent with the subject. If you learn more Spanish, you will see that there are different places where words must “match”. And they may need to agree on things other than sex. In this case, the choice of the correct form of an adjective is sometimes called adjective chord. Although “estoy de acuerdo” literally means “I am of agreement,” it is not used in English. Some learners try to improve “I agree” by saying, “I agree,” which is grammatically useful, but unfortunately not used either. The good form is: by the way, if you haven`t read my instructions on how to avoid the most common errors in English, be sure to check it out; it deals with similar issues. In English, it is generally common to use the contractual form that I am rather than speaking in the daily language. There is no such distinction in Spanish, so it`s just estoy. In fact, there are cases where English has to use the form I am and Spanish would need another translation to have the same effect.

(For example, you`ll always say “he`s not tired, but I`m” and not “he`s not tired, but I am.”) But these phrases are outside the scope of this tutorial, and we will only stay at Estoy as the translation for me and me. What the pro-drop prefers in Spanish, but not in English, is that the end of a verb usually indicates the person. For example, these forms of verbs that end in -oy, such as. B estoy, are singular forms (“I”) of contemporary form. In Spanish, the equivalent of I am (or am) is usually a single word. On this page we use the following word: If you wonder why there is only one word in Spanish, but two in English, it is because Spanish is a so-called pro-drop language. This means that normally the subject`s pronoun (which here is “I” in English) in Spanish is “dropped” (not pronounced). So estoy, a simple verb, is enough to mean that I am … and an additional pronoun would not normally be inserted in Spanish. There is a slight complication to consider. If the subject (the person to whom “I” is referred) is feminine, then we must change the end of the adjective: be careful with statements like “Subject pronouns are optional in Spanish”. It is often non-grammatical to use a pronoun specializing in a pro language such as Spanish: in general, they are only used in certain circumstances, for example.B.

to mark a contrast or accent. We can usually follow the Spanish word estoy with an adjective to make phrases like me tired as in English. For now, we will be training with the following adjectives: If we use an adjective to describe a person, we need to make sure that they have the right end. It is customary to list the male form, which usually ends with -o, as “basic form”.” The above forms – Cansado, Listo, etc. – are therefore already in the right shape to describe a male subject. Note that the sad does not end in -o, so it does not need to change. As a general rule, -e is neither “male nor female,” and an adjective that ends in -e does not change according to gender. and there is not a single Spanish verb that expresses the same thing as the English co-location “agree with”. It is important to understand that “agree” in English already means the same thing as “estar de acuerdo”, not just “acuerdo”, so “I agree” literally means enfadado is a word used mainly in Spain; in Latin America, the word enojado is used.